Below you can find a list of certified practitioners whom you can contact for a session.
If there is no practitioner near you, you can choose one that also works online and fill out the contact form and start from there..
Grinberg Method Inc. or IAGMP (International Association Grinberg Method Practitioners) does not supervise the services provided by the practitioners of this directory.
By using this directory, you agree that Grinberg Method Inc. or IAGMP has no liability for any action of the practitioner you choose, nor the effectiveness of the services you receive.
Provided that all the practitioners of this directory are IAGMP members, all the provisions of the IAGMP statute and code of ethics are fully applicable to the practitioners of the directory.
All the personal and professional details contained in the directory are to be used for the purposes connected with the webpage. It is prohibited to send individual or group emails for any other purpose.