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Get to know the work in depth through articles, videos upcoming events, blogs and recommendations from practitioners all over the world.
Avi Grinberg, "The origin and essence of the Grinberg Method" Avi Grinberg is an integrative body-mind expert, teacher, author, and founder of the Grinberg Method®. In this candid talk with international management consultant Shmuel Merhav, his longtime friend and client, Avi discusses the early influences on his work, as well as key concepts of his approach, including the importance of body attention and teaching and learning through the body.
Guided Trainings with Avi Grinberg These videos were created during the lockdown and were meant to support people online around the world during that time. It was also an important impetus to further develop the online work of the Grinberg Method.
Ohad Naharin & Batsheva Company dancers meet Avi Grinberg A breathtaking documentary about the collaboration of two people who, out of their passion to work with the human body, have developed new ways and methods that have found worldwide appeal.
Avi Grinberg, "Becoming Yourself, Body attention and the fulfillment of potential"
Avi Grinberg, "Fear Pain and other Friends"
The GUARDIAN, "The stress buster" Natasha Reid was desperate to treat her crippling panic attacks without drugs. But neither hypnotherapy nor cognitive behavioural therapy did any good. Finally, she stumbled upon the Grinberg method ...
Carpe Diem, "Was die Fußreflexzonenmassage à la Grinberg alles kann" Unsere Füße spiegeln unseren körperlichen Zustand wider. Von der Grinberg-Methode und ein erstaunlich simpler DIY-Tipp.
VICE MAGAZINE, "The Grinberg Method"
KOPFGEWITTER, "Die Grinberg Methode, Lernen mit dem Körper - Selbstbestimmt & beschwerdefrei", "Zu einer neuen Haltung kommen"
KURIER, "Mit Grinberg körperliche und seelische Blockaden lösen"
GRINBERG METHOD, official website
IAGMP, International Association of Grinberg Method Practitioners
YOUTUBE CHANNEL, Grinberg Method
FRANCE, Formation professionelle Prendre Corps Selon la methode Grinberg
GERMANY, Body Learning School
ITALY, Body Learning school Grinberg Methodology
ITALY, Be Your Body Academy Grinberg Method